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the nose or mouth of their hosts." That this attack is prejudicial is evident by the fact that "if a Deer is attacked by many flies, soon, one after the other, its nose bleeds, and the mucous skin becomes very much inflamed. When the larval growth is nearly complete,—that is, at the third stage,—the maggots are to be found in the cavity of the mouth, or at the palate, the Eustachian tube, and other localities, as parts of the tongue and gullet." It is doubtful whether this attack is really new in our country, or whether its discovery is now due to the increased attention given to entomological research. Another "Deer Forest Fly," Lipoptema cervi, of which males and females are to be found in wingless condition on the Red and the Roe Deer, has been found by Mr. Dugald Campbell (Strathconan Forest, Muir of Ord) "to be very troublesome to those employed in flaying Deer in winter, by reason of their creeping rapidly about the clothes and into the hair of the workers, and being very difficult to dislodge." To the Deer themselves, however, this insect's presence is of no great consequence.

Perhaps to the readers of 'The Zoologist' these extracts may prove most interesting, and we do not refer to the larger portion of the Report devoted to the insect ravages on our vegetable crops. In conclusion, we can not only recommend its perusal to all who are interested in the details of our country life, but also advise them to communicate with Miss Ormerod as to any insect infestations with which they may become specially acquainted.

Das Tierreich.—1. Lieferung: Aves. (Podargidæ, Caprimulgidæ und Macropterygidæ). Ernst Hartert.Berlin: Friedländer & Sohn. 1897.

The first part of Section Aves, in the great descriptive Zoological Encyclopædia, has reached our hands, and is written by Mr. Ernst Hartert, of the Tring Museum. The importance of this work, and the way in which it will be probably consulted, quoted, and followed in the future, must not be underrated. Its proposed aim is nothing less than a synoptical description of the described forms of animal life. It is, perhaps, too much to

Zool. 4th ser. vol. I., April, 1897.