when suddenly the sky above him bursts into life, or the woodlands around him are transformed into an orchestra; and whereas in the darkness he had abundance of time to note the spasmodic bird-calls that disturbed the silence, he now finds himself totally unable to cope with the superabundance of life that has so suddenly emerged from the gloom. In the following notes I have recorded the hours, with dates and localities, at which I have heard various common birds begin their song; notes which may be of interest when compared with similar ones made in other parts of the country.
Thrush, Turdus musicus.—Earliest, June 15th, 1893, Fife, 2.28 a.m. On the previous night, June 14th, the last Thrush was noted in song at 8.7 p.m.
Blackbird, T. merula.—Earliest, 2.17 a.m., July 6th, 1894, Fife. Latest, 8.52 p.m., June 14th, 1893, Fife.
Ring Ouzel, T. torquatus.—3.46 a.m., April 16th, 1895, Dumfries.
Wheatear, Saxicola œnanthe.—Calling 9.35 p.m., June 2nd, 1893, East Lothian.
Redbreast, Erithacus rubecula.—Earliest, 2.6 a.m. (calling, not singing), July 6th, 1894, Fife. Latest, 9.30 p.m., June 21st, 1894, East Lothian.
Whitethroat, Sylvia rufa.—Earliest, 2.35 a.m., May 24th, 1898, Edinburgh. Latest, 8.14 p.m., May 5th, 1893, East Lothian.
Chiffchaff, Phylloscopus collybita.—Earliest, 3.15 a.m., June 8th, 1893, Edinburgh.
Willow Wren, P. trochilus.—Earliest, 3.3 a.m., June 8th, 1893, Edinburgh. Latest, 8.38 p.m., June 13th, 1893, Fife.
Sedge Warbler, Acrocephalus schœnobænus.—Earliest, 1.32 a.m., June 8th, 1893, Edinburgh.
Field Sparrow, Accentor modularis.—Earliest on June 15th, 1893. I heard one give a snatch of its song at 1.25 a.m., but did not again hear the song till 4.5. On the previous night the Field Sparrow had ceased singing at 8.36 p.m., Fife.
Greenfinch, Ligurinus chloris.—Latest, 8.22 p.m. (the prolonged drawling note, given by Witchell as "zshweeoo"), June 14th, 1893, Fife.
Chaffinch, Fringilla cœlebs.—Earliest, 2.58 a.m., June 15th, 1893, Fife.
Bunting, Emberiza miliaria.—Latest, 8 p.m., May 5th, 1893, East Lothian.
Yellowhammer, E. citrinella.—Earliest, 2.37 a.m., May 23rd, 1894, Coldingham, Berwickshire. Latest, 8.22 p.m., June 14th, 1893, Fife.
Skylark, Alauda arvensis.—In connection with this species it may be interesting to give a series of dates, showing how the bird appears a little earlier as the season advances:—3.11 a.m., April 28th, 1893, Edinburgh;