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Cordeaux, John, F.R.G.S., M.B.O.U.
Early spring migrations, 193
Coward, T.A.
Leisler's Bat in Cheshire, 266; Birds of Cheshire, 518
Crawshay, William T.
White Wagtails in Co. Cork, 418
Davenport, H.S.
Original sketches of British birds, 1, 198, 506; Songs of birds affected by weather, 183
Davies, Basil
Fecundity in birds, 86; Fecundity in each avine species varying according to accidents of locality, 164
Delves, William
White eggs of Redbreast (Erithacus rubecula), 221
Distant, W.L.
Notes on gigantic specimens of the Eagle Ray or Devil-fish, 146; The Meer-Kat, 179; White eggs of Redbreast, 221; Cape Monitor, 226; Biological suggestions—Mimicry, 289, 341, 443, 529; "A proposed correction," 372; The "Sea-Elephant" (Macrorhinus elephantinus), 385; Memoir of John Cordeaux, 415; Cape Scops Owl (Scops capensis) in captivity, 420
Duthie, W.H.M.
Toad in nest of Titlark, 87
Elliott, J. Steele-
Great Grey Shrike in Warwickshire, 79; Early appearance of Chiffchaff in Warwickshire, 134; Common Crossbill in Worcestershire, 222
Farman, Last C.
Notes from the Haddiscoe Marshes (Norfolk), 366
Finn, F., B.A., F.Z.S.,Dep. Sup. Ind. Mus.
Swifts fighting, 418; Is the Whinchat a mimic? 475
Fitch, Edward A., F.L.S., F.E.S.
Gattoruginous Blenny in Essex, 326
Fowler, W. Warde, M.A.
Regularity of the Greenfinch in beginning his song, 135; Thrush's nest piled up with ivy-berries, 320; Songs of birds affected by temperature, 324; Swallows and Hobbies, 476
Fox, W. Storrs, M.A., F.Z.S.
Varying fecundity in birds, 23; Nesting habits of the Moor-hen, 31; The coloration of British birds and their eggs, 168; The delinquencies of Starlings, 268
Friend, Rev. Hilderic
New British Annelids, 262
Godfrey, Robert
Is the Whinchat a mimic? 267
Grabham, Oxley, M.A., M.B.O.U.
Food of Grebes, 32; Polecats in Wales, 79; White Stoat, 79; Some habits of Bats, 131; Albino Squirrel in Wiltshire, 132; Abnormal nesting-sites of the Willow Wren, 555
Graves, F.S.
Notes on Shetland birds, 72
Gurney, J.H., F.L.S., F.Z.S.
Ornithological record from Norfolk for 1898, 113
Haagner, Alwin C.
Habitat of the Thick-tailed Mungoose (Cynictis penicillata), 179; Note on the Cape Monitor (Varanus albigularis), 226, 421; Cape Scops Owl (Scops capensis) in captivity, 420; The Suricate in the Transvaal, 516
Haigh, G.H. Caton
Flamingo in Merionethshire, 29
Hartert, Ernst, Dir. Z. Mus. Tring
On the first primary in Passerine birds, 129
Headley, Alec Goldney
Scoters in South Hants (?), 30
Horsbrugh, Charles Bethune
Curious variety of the Green Woodpecker, 419; Great Wood-boring Wasp (Sirex gigas) in Ireland, 421
Howard, H.E.
Notes on some birds from North Worcestershire, 259; Ornithological notes from the northwest of Ireland, 481
Jones, K. Hurlstone, M.B., R.N., F.L.S.
The eggs and nest of the Moor-hen, 182; Albino of the Beaver, 267; Curlew (Numenius arquata) at sea, 419; Vanessa atalanta twenty miles from land, 422; The Storm Petrel (Procellaria pelagica) flying at light, 557
Jourdain, Francis C.R.
Breeding of the Tufted Duck in south-west Derbyshire, 476