Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 3 (1899).djvu/136

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The total catch of the Dundee fleet was 6 Right Whales, 984 White Whales, 591 Walrus, 779 Seals, and 80 Bears, yielding 297 tons of oil and 112 cwts. of bone. The produce is of so miscellaneous a nature that I am unable to estimate its total value, but may say that the present price of whalebone is £1450 per ton (that under six feet long half-price); the oil, all round, £17 10s. per ton; White Whale skins vary from 30s. to 35s. each; and Walrus hides, if very large, may be worth as much as £40 each, or, if small, as little as 5s. each; those taken by the 'Active,' 'Diana,' and 'Polar Star,' I am told, would average about £12 each; but the 'Balæna's,' from Franz Josef Land (as last year), being small and of light weight, were of little value. The Walrus ivory is said to be worth 1s. 6d. to 2s. 9d. per lb., according to size.

My best thanks are, as usual, due to Mr. Michael Thornburn, of St. John's, Newfoundland, and Mr. R. Kinnes, of Dundee, for their kindness in supplying me with the bulk of the statistics embodied in the above notes.