By Sergeant Hugh Mackay
(Highland Light Infantry).
During my stay in Malta I visited Mr. Micallef's interesting establishment at Birchircara, with a view of obtaining information regarding the numerous migratory birds which at times pass over the island. In a large show case of beautifully mounted specimens, I was prepared to find a number of birds which, although not altogether unknown in the British Islands, are nevertheless rare, and even here in Malta may be considered scarce, being only obtainable on migration. Altogether I saw no birds entirely foreign to the British Islands, yet for the benefit of the ornithological student the undermentioned species are well worth attention, if only for comparison with the numerous works on this interesting subject. I have not specified the scientific names of these birds, for the sake of space, while they are perhaps better generally known under their commoner names.
Ducks.—Garganey, Teal, Pochard, Pintail, Tufted, Scaup, Shoveller. These birds are obtained here during the winter months.
Herons.—Common, Purple, Squacco, and Night Herons; fairly common on migration.
Grebes.—Little Grebe, Sclavonian, and Black-necked. Of the three mentioned the Sclavonian is the most common, several specimens annually frequenting the Sliema and Quarantine harbours and other suitable localities between the months of October and January.
Owls.—Barn Owl, Long-eared, Short-eared, and Scops. All obtainable on migration; while the Short-eared species is known to breed sparingly on the island, and is therefore classed as a resident species.
I have enumerated under different headings the species which predominate; but as the remainder are isolated more or less