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Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 3 (1899).djvu/284

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Wild Geese.—A flock of Geese flew over Camp Manoel on November 19th, in a south-easterly direction, about 4.30 p.m.

Ruddy Shelduck.—A male example of the Ruddy Shelduck was shot in Sliema harbour, December 10th, 1897. I consider the occurrence of this species most unusual, and can only account for its appearance as a straggler. I am very sorry I did not secure the specimen.

Whitethroat.—These little birds are plentiful during the spring months. I have frequently found their nests around Manoel.

Lapwing.—On December 13th, 1897, I saw six Lapwings which had been shot in a field close to the Quarantine harbour. I am told they are of uncommon occurrence on the island.

Common Sandpiper.—Have seen several flocks in various localities in the months of April and May, but at no other time during the year.

Redshank.—Handled a fine specimen in full breeding plumage, April 16th, 1897. It was shot on the shore near Manoel; another bird was fired at, but got away. This is the first specimen I have seen in Malta.

Great Snipe.—A gunner along the shore at Manoel showed me four specimens of the Great Snipe which he had shot. These are the first I have seen.

Squacco Heron.—During the four days (April 29th to May 2nd) four specimens of the Squacco Heron frequented the shore at Manoel. They appear to be very lazy and inactive, allowing one to approach within twenty or thirty yards before taking wing. On the morning of May 1st I watched them for over half an hour, and during that time they remained almost motionless, except for an occasional turn of the head; the head and neck were drawn back upon the shoulders. I subsequently handled two of these birds in the flesh, which were shot by a native.

Short-toed Lark.—This is a resident species in Malta, and is fairly common. I found a nest with young as late as July 11th, 1897.