Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 3 (1899).djvu/395

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In a wood near my home I found a Sparrowhawk's nest containing six eggs, which have now been successfully hatched. And I know of three pairs of Redback Shrikes and two pairs of Redstarts in the village; but I note that Whinchats and Stonechats are very scarce with us this season. Nightingales have bred in quantity. Cuckoos, Swallows, and Martins are plentiful. I have only heard the Wryneck's note once this season, this species having locally decreased very much of late years.

In the early spring I shot a specimen of the Green Woodpecker, and the Great Spotted and Little Spotted species were also in the locality.

During the month of March several Pike were taken from a narrow marsh dyke, ranging in weight from 7 lb. to 25 lb. The latter fish was caught by net with another Pike of 16 lb. weight.