Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 4 (1900).djvu/199

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occurrences, have been made at various times in the 'The Zoologist.' Mr. G.F.D. Preston has a grand Red-necked Phalarope in full summer plumage, and was the first to call attention to the increasing numbers of the Shore Lark visiting this locality, himself shooting several in 1876. He is the last of a family of local ornithologists of that name. The late Mr. E.T. Booth shot many of the choicest of his specimens, contained in the celebrated Brighton Museum, on Breydon, and on the sea off Yarmouth. Mr. W. Lowne, of Fuller's Hill, Yarmouth, taxidermist, should also be mentioned, as many of the rare birds noted in the subjoined list have passed through his hands, as have many in the county collections, noteworthy amongst them being Sabine's Gull (1881), White-tailed Eagle (1882), Manx Shearwater (1883), Roller (1883), Pallas's Sand Grouse (1888), Little Bustard (1889), Iceland Gull (1899), &c. Mr. H.C. Clark, of George Street, is the only other professional local birdstuffer.

The writer of these notes neither shoots nor collects, but has used eyes and field-glasses, and kept records of rare and interesting occurrences in local natural history for more than twenty years; and has helped in a small degree to found the Tolhouse Museum, which contains a number of cases of interesting birds.

The principal works relating to Yarmouth birds are as follow:

'An Account of the Birds found in Norfolk.' By Sir Thomas Browne, but not published till after his death in 1682. [Wilkin's Edition of his Works, vol. iv, pp. 313-324 (1835).][1]

"A Catalogue of Norfolk and Suffolk Birds, with Remarks." By the Rev. R. Sheppard and the Rev. W. Whitear. ['Transactions' of the Linnean Society, vol. xv. pp. 1-62, 1826.]

'Sketch of the Natural History of Yarmouth.' By C.J. and James (the late Sir James) Paget. [1834.]

'Observations on the Fauna of Norfolk.' By the Rev. R. Lubbock. [1845.] (A new edition, with additions from unpublished manuscripts of the author, and notes by T. Southwell, was published in 1879.)

"An Account of the Birds found in Norfolk," &c. By Messrs. J.H. Gurney and W.R. Fisher. [Published in 'The Zoologist' (1846, pp. 1300, 1373).]

  1. Thomas Browne on Norfolk Birds, in Wilkin ed. 1835, vol. 4, p. 313f.