Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 4 (1900).djvu/224

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ordinary dissection. This volume is an incentive to make us really understand all that can be practically learned about a few typical animals, and the thorough mastery of the anatomical and physiological details of these living forms will leaven the whole lump of many zoological conceptions. In fact, as the author states—for one only is now left—"Throughout the book I have borne in mind that the main object of teaching zoology as a part of a liberal education is to familiarise the student not so much with the facts as with the ideas of the science."

The first thirteen chapters are devoted to the Frog; attention is then paid to some of the most primitive forms of animal life, after which the objects of study are those familiar "zoological models," the Earthworm, the Crayfish, and the Fresh-water Mussel. A few illustrations of the Vertebrata follow, and the concluding chapter is chiefly of an embryological character. In the summary of views respecting the subject of organic evolution we meet with an advice which we do not remember having seen elsewhere:—"As a preliminary to the study of Darwin's 'Origin of Species,' the student is recommended to read Romanes' 'Evidences of Organic Evolution,' in which the doctrine of Descent is expounded as briefly as is consistent with clearness and accuracy."

General Index to Miss Ormerod's Reports on Injurious Insects, 1877 to 1898.
Report of Injurious Insects and Common Farm Pests during the Year 1899, with Methods of Prevention and Remedy. By Eleanor A. Ormerod, F.R. Met. Soc, &c.Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Limited.

During a period of twenty-two years Miss Ormerod has issued her Annual Reports on Injurious Insects. The quantity of valuable information, thus one may almost say interred, except to the diligent readers of these reports, is now accessible to all by the publication of an excellent index compiled by Mr. Robert Newstead, himself well acquainted with the subject.

The twenty-third Report for 1899 commences a second series, and is in no way inferior to its predecessors. Miss Ormerod's