391; medius, 7; minor, 7, 107, 184, 223
Dendrocycna fulva, 270
Diary, Observational, of habits of Great Crested Grebe and of the Peewit, 161, 339, 454
Dimorphism, sexual, 420
Dipus jaculus, 305
Dolphins and Cuttle-fish, encounter between, 238
Dormouse nest, building of a, 68; autumnal litter, 423, 472
Duck, Ring-necked, as a British bird, 476; Tufted, 252
Dunlin, 253; varieties, 91 (fig., 92), 156, 185, 187
Echinus esculentus, 323
Eggs, common, weight and specific gravity of some, 110, 111; of Alligator, artificial incubation, 197; of Cuckoo, 317
Egret, Little, in Yorkshire, 70
Egrets, British-killed, 107
Elanus axillaris, 258
Emberiza cia, 11; cirlus, 11; citrinella, 11, 206; hortulana, 11; melanocephala, 353; pusilla, 11; rustica, 11; miliaria, 206; schœniclus, 206
Emblema picta, 261
'Emu,' The, 439
Equus burchellii, 49; hemionus, 46; quagga, 42, 47, 49
Erithacus rubecula, 10, 106, 154, 203, 469
Erythrogonys cinctus, 255
Erythropus vespertinus, 6
Esacus magnirostris, 260
Eudromias morinellus, 15, 99
Expedition to the North of Iceland, in 1899, 401
Falco æsalon, 208, 408; islandus, 407; peregrinus, 6, 208, 470, 476; subbuteo, 426; tinnunculus, 208, 470; vespertinus, 224, 426
Falcon, Labrador, picture of, by Wolf, reproduced, 400; Peregrine, in Berkshire, 476; Pigmy, nesting in Upper Burma, 224; Red-footed, with Sirex vulgaris in stomach, in Shropshire, 224,—in Essex, 426
Fauna, mammalian, of S, Africa, 115; of North-Eastern Rhodesia, 397
Ficedula atricapilla, 8; collaris, 8
Fish, File-, off Brighton, 225
Fish-wharf, Lowestoft, 21
Food-plants of Kanara butterflies, 198
Forests in Ashanti, 399
Fossil vertebrates from Egypt, 318
Fratercula arctica, 298, 355, 417, 429, 471
Fringilla cœlebs, 205, 223, 282, 391, 469; montifringilla, 282, 283
Fulica atra, 98
Fuligula collaris, 476; marila, 412
Fulmar, origin of name, 355
Fulmarus glacialis, 299, 417
Galerita cristata, 11, 353
Gallinago cœlestis, 15, 101, 189, 210, 414; gallinula, 15, 31, 101, 108, 210; major, 15, 101, 428
Gallinula chloropus, 17, 71, 108, 470
Game animals, the larger, of Cape Colony, 114
Garrulus glandarius, 14, 283
Gazèta grossa, 8; picola, 8
Gecinus canus, 7; sharpii, 271; viridis, 7
Gelochelidon anglica, 255
'Geological Antiquity of Insects,' revised edition of, 197
Geronticus spinicollis, 261
Ghizeh Zoological Gardens, Report for 1900, 240
Gladstone and Darwin, mental platforms of, 439
Glareola pratincola, 98, 283
Glaucidium passerinum, 2, 7
Goldcrest seven hundred miles from land, 423
Golden-eye, 252
Goose, Bean, 248; Lesser Whitefronted, in Norfolk, 317
Grampus griseus, 238
Grebe, Great Crested, and Peewit, observational diary of habits, 161, 339, 454; Red-necked, 254
Grouse, Black, 252
Grus communis, 98
Gull, Great Black-backed, inland in Wales, 317
Gypaëtus barbatus, 2, 4
Habits of Ring Ouzel, 28,—Great Crested Grebe and Peewit, 161, 389, 454,—Alcedo ispida, 354; nesting of Moor-hens, 17, 71, —some strange, in Holland, 318; breeding, of Swift, 286, 384, 426
Hæmatopus ostralegus, 110, 209, 414, 471
Hairs of Mylodon listai, and other American Edentata, structure of, 438