Notes on the Seal and "Whale Fishery of 1901, Thomas Southwell, F.Z.S., 41.
Some Account of the Ground Hornbill, or Brom-vogel (Bucorax cafer), (with illustration), W.L. Sclater, M.A., F.Z.S., 49.
The Roseate Tern on the Farne Islands, Rev. F.L. Blathwayt, 53.
Statistics relating to British Birds, Rev. A.R. Horwood, 55.
Notes on Birds made during Three Short Visits to the Beach at Dungeness, Thomas Hepburn, 59.
Notes and Queries:—
- Mammalia.—The Food of the Water- Vole, Gordon Dalgliesh, 66.
- Aves.—Breeding of the Lesser Redpoll (Linota rufescens) in Somerset, F.L. Blathwayt, 66. Green Woodpecker boring in Winter, Julian G. Tuck, 67. Curious Accident to a Kingfisher, Rev. Canon Tristram, 68. Tengmalm's Owl in Northamptonshire, J.H. Gurney, 68. Shoveler in Herts, O.V. Aplin, 68. Red Grouse in Surrey, John A. Bucknill, 68. Little Bustard in Sussex, W. Percival Westell, 70. On the Feigning of Injury by the Lapwing (Vanellus vulgaris) to attract attention from its Young, H.S. Davenport, 70. Pairing Manoeuvres of Birds, F. Finn, 71. Correction, Robert H. Read, 73.
- Pisces.—Notes from Great Yarmouth, A. Patterson, 73.
Notices of New Books, 74–79.
Editorial Gleanings, 80.
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