Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/451

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Mr. Inglis records having seen another at Hattowrie Factory, Darbhanga.

Coturnix communis, Bonn. (Common Quail).—Common in February and March, though the year (1901) was remarkable for its scarcity of Quail. I never saw a single specimen, neither were any brought me by native fowlers. Some are probably resident. Mr. Inglis procured one egg laid by a captive bird.

C. coromandelica, Gmel. (Black-breasted Quail).—Two eggs of this species taken in September by Mr. Rawlins, of this district, and sent to me. Several birds of this species were shot at Dalsingh Serai, so I have been informed, many years ago.

Francolinus vulgaris, Steph. (Black Partridge).—Usually one or more pairs are to be found in any grass jungle during the cold weather, but in summer they scatter, and are found among crops. They are the best birds I know at running, and are very difficult to flush, reminding one of the English Corn-Crake in this respect. They are very fair eating if hung for a day or two. One bird I shot had a number of large black ants in the crop.

F. pondicerianus, Gmel. (Grey Partridge).—A rather scarce bird, and I have only shot it twice.

Turnix dussumieri, Temm. (Little Button-Quail).—Mr. Inglis informs me that he had a pair of this species snared at Jainagar.

T. tanki, Blyth (Indian Button-Quail).—Not often seen, probably on account of its shy skulking nature.

Porzana pusilla (Eastern Ballion's Crake).—A male of this species was snared by native fowlers at Hurnella Jheel, Darbhanga, and brought to Mr. Inglis, who afterwards gave me the skin.

Rallus aquaticus, Linn. (Common Water-Rail).—One specimen (a male) was shot by me at Hattowrie Factory, Darbhanga, on Feb. 12th, 1898. The only other places where this bird has been recorded from India are Gilgit (Scully), Kulu (Hay), and Dera Dun (Hume). Mr. R. George killed a specimen near Skikarpur ('Fauna of Brit. Ind., Birds,' vol. iv. p. 160). One (a female) procured by Mr. Jesse at Lucknow was recorded in the 'Field.'

R. indicus (Indian Water-Rail).—A Rail, which I think