many of the parts that are white in the adult are suffused with yellow in the immature bird. May not the same be the case with the eyestripe and throat of M. flava?—E.C. Arnold (The Close, Winchester).
Red-throated Pipit in Sussex.—I happened to be in the shop of Mr. G. Bristow, taxidermist, of St. Leonards, on the morning of Nov. 30th last, when a Pipit was brought in (in the flesh), which we believed to be Anthus cervinus. After the bird was mounted I sent it to Dr. Bowdler Sharpe at the British Museum, who kindly confirmed our identification. The bird was shot in a garden at Ninfield, Sussex, on Nov. 26th, 1901. It proved on dissection to be a female. It was exhibited at the meeting of the British Ornithologists' Club on Dec. 18th, 1901, by Mr. Howard Saunders.—L.A. Curtis Edwards (31, Magdalen Eoad, St. Leonards-on-Sea).
Waxwings at Great Yarmouth.—During the latter part of November, 1901, Waxwings (Ampelis garrulus) were unusually numerous in the neighbourhood of Yarmouth. Mr. Lowne, taxidermist, had over a dozen for preservation. The majority seemed to be immature birds. A. Patterson (Ibis House, Great Yarmouth).
The Tree-Sparrow in Cardiganshire.—While nothing is definitely known of this species (Passer montanus) in Western Wales beyond the certainty of its being uncommon, there is a strong probability that it has often been overlooked. I met with it for the first time in this district on Dec. 20th last, when I clearly identified four individuals, which were feeding with Chaffinches, Greenfinches, and a Bramblefinch in a stackyard at Clarach, about a mile north of this town. — J.H. Salter (Aberystwyth).
Nutcracker in Herefordshire.—A specimen of the Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes) was obtained in September not many miles from Hereford, and is now to be seen in the Cardiff Museum. There are reasons for not giving the exact place. So far as I can learn, the species has not been recorded from any of the neighbouring counties. H.E. Forrest (Shrewsbury).
Great Black Woodpecker.—At the beginning of December I noticed a letter in the natural history column of a local weekly paper, written by a gentleman from Kington, Herefordshire, and entitled "A Strange Bird." From reading the contents I conclude that the writer has had the good fortune to see a specimen of Picus martius, whose claim to a place in the list of British Birds is much disputed. The following is a copy of the letter:—"On Sunday morning, Nov. 24th, my wife and a lady visitor called my attention to the peculiar movements of a bird on