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Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/512

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Notes on the Birds of Anglesea, T.A. Coward and Charles Oldham, 401.

The Birds of Sark; and Variation in Song, H.E. Howard, 416.

Ornithological Notes from the West Coast of Scotland, W.H. Workman, M.B.O.U., 423.

Notes on the Lesser White-backed Magpie (Gymnorhina hyperleuca) in Tasmania, Frank M. Littler, M.A.O.U., 428.

Notes and Queries:—

Mammalia.—Some Habits of South African Hares, Alwin C. Haagner, 432.
Aves.—Lesser Grey Shrike in Norfolk, G.E. Lodge, 433. Red-backed Shrike In Anglesea, S.G. Cummings, 433. Migration of Jays, G.B. Corbin, 434. Hoopoe near Wick, Geo. Dickinson, 435. The Long-eared Owl (Asio otus), G.B. Corbin, 435. Plumage of Montagu's Harrier, O.V. Aplin, 435. Moorhens feeding Young, Bernard B. Riviere, 436. Ornithological Incidents at Petersfield, H. Marmaduke Langdale, 436.
Insecta.—Morphological Interpretation (with illustration), E. Ernest Green, 436. A Remarkable West African Leaf-Gall (with illustration), W. Henry Hillyer, 437. "Making the best of Difficulties," H.W. Shepheard-Walwyn, 439.
Sexual Selection, W. Storrs Fox, 439.
Bibliography, O.V. Aplin, 440.

All Articles and Communications intended for publication, and Books and Pamphlets for review, should be addressed "The Editor of 'The Zoologist,' c/o West, Newman & Co., 54, Hatton Garden, London;" or direct to the Editor, W. L. Distant, Steine House, Selhurst Road, South Norwood.

Latest Publications of the Zoological Society of London.

PROCEEDINGS of the ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY of LONDON. 1902. Vol.II. Part I. Containing Papers read in May and June. With Seventeen Plates. Price to Fellows, 9s.; to the Public, 12s.

TRANSACTIONS. Vol. XVI. Part VII. Containing a Memoir on the Structure of the Larval Polypterus. By J.S. Budgett, M.A., F.Z.S. With Three Plates. Price to Fellows, 11s. 3d.; to the Public, 15s.

INDEX to the PROCEEDINGS, 1891–1900. Price to Fellows, 4s. 6d.; to the Public, 6s.

CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of the ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY of LONDON. Fifth Edition. 1902. Price to Fellows, 4s. 6d.; to the Public, 6s.

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