Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/134

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“I promise you. I want to become a good little boy and a comfort to my papa. Where is he at this time?”

“I do not know.”

“Shall I ever have the good fortune to see him again?”

“I believe so. Indeed, I am sure of it.”

At this reply Pinocchio was so happy that he was nearly crazy with joy. Then, raising his face and looking at the Fairy lovingly, he said to her, “Tell me, Mamma; is it true you are not dead?”

“It appears not,” replied the Fairy.

“If you only knew with what grief I heard you were buried under that stone—”

“I do know it; and that is why I forgive you. The sincerity of your grief proves that you have a good heart. There is always hope for boys with good hearts. Even if they sometimes act like scamps, there is always hope that they will finally get on the right road. That is why I have come here. I will be your mamma.”

“Oh, how nice!” said Pinocchio, jumping with joy.

“Will you obey me and always do what I tell you?”

“Willingly, willingly, willingly!”

“Then to-morrow,” said the Fairy, “you will begin by going to school.”