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Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/174

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“No; I cannot allow that. I prefer to ride on one of the donkeys,” said Pinocchio.

No sooner said than done. He approached the nearest donkey and tried to mount it; but the donkey, probably suffering from an attack of hiccoughs, suddenly raised his hind feet and threw Pinocchio off.

Just imagine the impertinent laughter of all those boys who saw it! But the driver did not laugh. He went to the rebellious donkey and, feigning to kiss him, bit off a portion of his right ear.

Meanwhile Pinocchio, who was very angry, made another jump on the donkey’s back. The jump was such a beautiful one that the boys began to laugh and shout, “Long live Pinocchio!” and clap their hands for joy.

When they were ready to start the donkey again raised his hind feet and gave such a strong kick that the marionette was thrown on top of a heap of gravel. The boys again laughed out loud; but the driver, instead of laughing, went to the donkey and, feigning to whisper something in his left ear, bit off a portion of that ear also. Then he said to the marionette: “Remount and have no fear. That donkey had a whim in his head, but I have spoken to him and he will be more reasonable.”