Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/184

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“The doctor ordered it because I had corns on my feet.”

“Oh, poor Pinocchio!”

“Oh, poor Lamp Wick!”

After these words there was a long silence during which time the two friends looked at each other. Finally the marionette said in a kind voice, “Raise your cap just a little, will you?”

“Never! And you?”

“Never! You see I have an ear that is very painful.”

“So have I.”

“You, too? And which ear hurts?”

“Both. And you?”

“Both. Can it be the same malady?”

“I fear so.”

“Do you wish to please me, Lamp Wick?”

“With all my heart.”

“Let me see your ears.”

“Oh, no! First let me see yours.”

“No; you ought to do it first.”

“No; after you always.”

“Then,” said the marionette, “let us make a contract.”

“All right.”

“Let us take off our caps together.”

“All right.”