Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/199

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on the point of becoming a boy, just like other boys, when I listened to the advice of a bad companion, and one morning I awoke and found myself turned into a donkey with big ears and a beautiful tail. What shame I felt when I saw that I had a tail! I was then led to a square where a master bought me and taught me to do tricks and dance. One night, when I was performing, I fell and sprained my leg so badly that I could hardly stand on it. Then the master, who did not know what to do with a lame donkey, sold me to you.”

“Yes; I paid twenty-five cents for you. But who will give me my money back?”

“Yes; you bought me and planned to beat me by placing my skin over a drum.”

“Where shall I find another skin?”

“There are lots of donkeys left for that.”

“Tell me, impertinent scoundrel, is your story finished?”

“No,” replied the marionette; “there are a few more words, and then I shall be through. After you bought me you led me here to kill me; but then, being a humane man, you decided to drown me. This delicate attention on your part is most honorable and I shall always remember your goodness. You would have succeeded if it had not been for the good Fairy.”