Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/215

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When they arrived at the shore Pinocchio was the first to jump down, and he helped his papa. Then he turned to the Tunny and, with a voice that trembled with emotion, said: “My friend, you have saved my papa and me. I do not know how to thank you. Permit me to kiss you as a sign of eternal friendship.”

The Tunny put his nose out of the water, and Pinocchio, kneeling on the ground, gave the fish an affectionate kiss. At this sign of tenderness the poor Tunny, who was not accustomed to such kindness, felt himself so moved that he began to cry like a baby, and quickly sank into the water to hide his tears.

In the meantime the sun arose. Then Pinocchio, offering his arm to his papa, who was very weak, said: “Lean on my arm, dear Papa, and let us go. We will walk just as slowly as ants, and when we are tired we will rest ourselves.”

“And where shall we go?” asked Geppetto.

“In search of a house where we can get a bit to eat and some straw to lie upon.”

But they had not gone a hundred steps when they saw two ugly faces asking for money. They were the faces of the Fox and the Cat; but one would not have recognized them. Just think! the Cat who feigned to be blind had really become