Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/218

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“Yes, you were right, Cricket. Take a hammer and hit me, but spare my poor papa.”

“I will have pity on you both; but I wished to remind you of your ugly manners.”

“Yes, Cricket, you were right to tell me what you did. You were right, and I will bear in mind the lessons you have taught me. But tell me, how did you build such a nice large house?”

“This little house was given me yesterday by a beautiful Goat that had blue wool.”

“And where has the Goat gone?” asked Pinocchio, with lively curiosity.

“I do not know.”

“And when will it return?”

“Never. Yesterday it went away bleating. I thought I heard it say, ‘Poor Pinocchio! I shall never see him again. The Dogfish has swallowed him.

“It said that? Then it was she. It was the beautiful Fairy,” said Pinocchio, and he began to cry.

When he had cried a long time he dried his eyes and prepared a nice bed of straw for his papa. Then he said to the Talking Cricket, “Tell me, Cricket, where I can find a glass of milk for my poor papa.”

“Three fields from here you will see a farmer who has cows. Go to him and you will find the milk you seek.”