Page:The ancient interpretation of Leviticus XVIII. 18 - Marriage with a deceased wife's sister is lawful.djvu/32

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Castellio, in his Bible, 1550, has "Uxoris sororem, ea vivente, ne ducito, ut cum eâ rem habeas, quæ res uxori dolorem faciat."[1]

Jerome ab Oleastro republished Pagninus' Bible at Lisbon in 1556 with notes. On Lev. xviii. 18, he says: "Sensus est: non addas ad uxorem tuam sororem ejus; ut scilicet uxorem angustiâ afficias," &c. "Dum ipsa vivit. Concedit post mortem uxoris posse sororem ejus accipere. Noverat Dominus, qualiter Rachel angebat Liam, ideo noluit talia connubia in suo populo permittere."[2]

In the Geneva Bible, 1560: "Also thou shalt not take a wife and her sister also to vex her in uncovering her shame upon her."

In the edition of Bruccioli's Italian Bible printed by Francesco Durone, 1562: "Tu non pigliarai la moglia con la sua sorella, per che ella sia afflitta, per scoprire la sua vergogna mentra ch' ella vivera."

In like manner the Dutch Bible, printed at Embden, 1562: "Du salt oock, dijns wijfs suster niet nemen nevens haer, hare schaemte te blooten, haer te spijt, dewijle sy nock leeft;" and a marginal reference is given to Gen. xxix. 29.

Thus, far, then, from 280 years before Christ to 1562 years after, i.e., until within two years of the close of the Council of Trent, I find almost identity of translation: all understand the word "sister" in Lev. xviii. 18 in its strict and primary sense; all understand the prohibition as relating to the simultaneous marriage with two sisters.

Now, what is to be said against this wondrous unani-

  1. "Thy wife's sister, whilst she is alive, marry not, to have carnal communion with her, which thing would cause grief to the wife."
  2. "The sense is: To thy wife add not her sister, to afflict thy wife, &c., whilst she is alive. After the death of the wife he gives liberty to marry her sister. The Lord knew how Rachel tormented Leah; He was therefore unwilling to permit such marriages amongst his people."