Medicine Lodges (why did I not say Sachems) regard your appointment of Le Conte. I hear but one opinion; and mine you know.
May you have a reign glorious for the dear old state.
Yours with most friendly regard,
Weir Mitchell.
His Excellency,
The Governor.
2043 Arch Street, Phila., Pa.,
April 21, 1903.
To His Excellency,
Governor Pennypacker.
My dear Sir:
Permit me to express my high appreciation of your independent and excellent administration of your great office; and to add that I sincerely pray for God's richest blessings on you, so that you may continue to be “a terror to evil doers” and also “a praise to them that do well.”
Yours most truly,
Cyrus D. Foss.
Land Title Building, Phila., Pa.,
September 11, 1903.
His Excellency,
Sam'l W. Pennypacker.
My dear Governor:
I am much obliged to you for directing the sending to me of a copy of “Vetoes.” Within my memory there has never been a time when a governor of the commonwealth stood with such intelligence and determination as a safeguard against vicious legislation. Thanks to you, schemes of fraud and plunder, great in number as well as in importance, were frustrated.
Certainly in this most vital particular, we are all immensely in your debt.
Very sincerly yours,
John G. Johnson.
Southeast Corner 17th & Spruce Sts.
My dear Governor:
I am just recovering from a severe illness from appendicitis, and am, therefore, quite unable to accept the honor of your