- Oliver, George T., 356, 454, 461
- Oliver, Harry W., 185
- Olmsted, Marlin E., 276
- Op den Graeff, Abraham, 28, 30
- Opinions of newspaper correspondents on newspaper restriction, 299
- Orchard Knob battlefield memorial, 403
- Organization of state government under author's administration, 303
- "Origin of Species," appeared during life of author, 15
- Otterson, James, 78
- Outerbridge, Albert A., 127
- Oxenstiern, Chancellor of Sweden—comments on legislation, 543
- Page, S. Davis, a fellow law student, 109
- Page, William Byrd, 109
- Pannebakker, Jan, a Dutch connection, 249
- Pannebecker, Hendrick, author's great-great-great-grandfather, 17
- Pannebecker, Jacob, author's great-great-grandfather, 17
- Paoli, scene of militia drills, 83
- Pardee, Ario, 103, 177
- Paris, Comte de, 15, 150
- Parker, Alton B., 430, 458
- Parrish, Dr. Joseph, 55
- Passos, John R. Dos, 183
- Pastorius, Fiancis Daniel, 144
- Patriotic Society memberships and offices, 239
- Pattison, Robert E., 186, 268, 362
- Paxson, Justice Edward M., 133, 228, 262, 449, 471
- Pearson, Gen. Samuel, interviews Roosevelt, 486
- Peary, Robert E., at the New York Pennsylvania Society, 490; describes polar travel, 491; met in company with other polar explorers, 496
- Peck, William H., 73
- Penn Club, 75
- Pennepacker, John B., sketches and incidents, 499
- Pennsylvania Club of Washington entertains the governor, 417
- Pennsylvania College of Medicine, 61
- "Pennsylvania Colonial Cases," elaborated from law academy address, 230; written, 128
- Pennsylvania Company for the Insurance of Lives and Granting Annuities dinners, 234
- Pennsylvania, cruiser, silver service, 399
- Pennsylvania Day at St. Louis Exposition, 364
- Pennsylvania Dutch, ignorance of, 204
- Pennsylvania German Society organized, 229
- Pennsylvania, people a blended race, 16
- Pennsylvania Society of the Colonial Dames organized, 234
- Pennsylvania Society of New York entertains governor, 328
- Pennsylvania Society Sons of the Revolution organized, 158; list of organizers, 158
- "Penny-a-milers' " excursions a success, 434
- Pennypacker, Charles H., 136
- Pennypacker, Elijah F., 80, 136
- Pennypacker, Gen. Galusha, his military achievements, 88
- Pennypacker, Henry C., brother of author, owns Wernwag clock, 32
- Pennypacker, Isaac Anderson, author's father, 22
- Pennypacker, Isaac R., as a writer, 136; wrote introduction, 13
- Pennypacker, James L., brother of author, 474
- Pennypacker, Matthias, author's great-grandfather, 17
- Pennypacker, Matthias, the younger, author's grandfather, 18
- Pennypacker, meaning of name, 17
- Pennypacker, men of family who had been suggested for governo, 266
- Pennypacker, Dr. Nathan A., 136
- "Pennypacker of Penn," 370
- Pennypacker, Peter, 512
- Pennypacker, Samuel, 168
- Pennypacker, Samuel W., appointed a member of Philadelphia Board of Public Education, 191; appointed member of Valley Forge Park Commission, 254; appointed to Bench of Philadelphia Common Pleas Court No. 2, 198; as a representative Pennsylvanian, 263; becomes president judge of Common Pleas No. 2, 247; becomes president of Pennsylvania German Society, 246; becomes vice president of Historical Society, 246; elected president of Pennsylvania Historical Society, 257; declines proffered Supreme Court nomination, 344; elected to ten-year judicial term with practically no opposition, 202; is defeated for Assembly, 187; read six languages, 12; receives honorary LL. D. from the University of Pennsylvania, 346; selected delegate to the 1904 National Convention, 346; sworn in as governor, 276
- Pennypackers Mills visited by Sons of Revolution, 253
- Pennypacker's Supreme Court Reports, 127
- Pennypacker, Washington, 86
- Penrose, Boies, acknowledges receipt of poem, 455; asks governor to work for 1905 ticket, 452; compared with Quay as a politician, 355; excuses Durham for apparent neglect of duties, 446; writes congratulations on handling of coal strike, 424. See also 265, 357, 387, 393, 437
- Pepper, Dr. William, 134, 152, 239