- Record as governor, 439
- Record plant offered to the governor, 374
- Red Bank Revolutionary War battle monument dedicated, 431
- Redmond, John E., 366
- Reed, Henry, 176, 186, 187
- Reed, William B., 58, 97
- Reeder, J. Howard, 186
- Reeves, Benjamin, 52; David, 52, 55; Col. Paul S., 33
- Reeves, Colonel Paul S., 313
- Reeves & Cornett, 72
- Reeves, Francis B., 186
- Reflections on judicial functions, 206–207
- Reform, ideas of author as a young man, 171; in corporation law urged, 532; in State printing, 292; of marriage relation suggested, 211
- Registration commissioners, first board appointed, 431; laws asked for, 538
- Relatives of author fluent speakers and writers, 136
- Relics of author's military experience, 97
- Renshaw, Robert, 172
- Reply of governor to lawyers' Supreme Court candidacy letter, 338; to Record's "Foul Conspiracy" article, 326
- Reports of cases in the Philadelphia License Court of 1901, 257
- Republican Convention of 1880
- Republican State Convention of 1906 adopts resolutions of commendation, 427
- Requisition of criminals, 315
- Residence at 1540 North Fifteenth Street began 1875, 174
- Resignation from bench, 268
- Respect due to public officials, 194
- Results of election for governor, 272
- Reviewing a body of troops from a carriage, 308
- Rewards of life not secured through eagerness, 262
- Reyburn, Mayor, subject of discussion with Mr. Taft, 59, 470
- Rhine boat trip, 218
- Rhoades, Henry, 37
- Rice, Charles E., President Judge of the Superior Court, 322
- Richardson, Henry Starr, 315
- Richardson, Nathaniel K., 101
- Richardson, Samuel, 21; Ann, 21
- Riley, James Whitcomb, made doctor of laws, 349
- Rittenhouse, David, 147
- Rittersville Homeopathic Hospital for Insane, cornerstone laid, 362
- Road improvement, 293, 350
- Roberts, Julia, mulatto slave of Lane's, 24
- Roberts, of Montgomery, advocates improved roads, 294
- Rogers, John I., 101
- Rogers, William B., 273
- Romig, James E., 187
- Roosevelt at capitol dedication, 479; at Gettysburg, incidents, 477; characterized by author, 474; classmate of writer's brother at Harvard, 474; comments of author on his administration, 481; corresponds with author in Blaine campaign, 475; described as a Jew, 488; entertained at Executive mansion, 480; expresses a wish to interfere in coming coal strike, 478; introduced at Gettysburg, 352; invited to capitol dedication, 478; last President with whom author had relations, 15; University Day orator, 476; visited by author, 328; vice presidential nomination suggested by author, 475; inauguration, 16
- Root, Senator Elihu, 422, 488
- Rosengarten, Joseph G., 153, 175
- Rothermel, P. F., a rival for judicial appointment, 197
- Rothermel, Jr., P. F., 197
- Rowe, L. S., comments on address to International Peace Congress, 446
- Royer, Dr. J. Warren, 39
- Rush, Madame, 58
- Russo–Japanese War, comments, 255
- Ryan, Archbishop, urges appropriation for Catholic protectory, 450
- St. Louis Exposition, commission, 363; visited, 364
- Sachse, Julius F., 229
- Sale of part of library, 394
- Salus–Grady newspaper bill, 295, 299, 302
- Sampson, Admiral, criticised, 417
- San Salvador noticed and described, 242
- Saunders, Courtland, 98
- Saunders, E. D., founds West Philadelphia Institute, 59
- Savanah experiences and observations, 400
- Sawtelle, Colonel Charles G., 72
- Scattergood, Henry, 431
- Schaffer, William I., 271
- Schall, Lieut. Col. Edwin, 87
- Scheffer, Dr. J. G. De Hoop, 150, 216
- Schenten family genealogy investigated, 217
- Scherer, C. Louis, 145
- Schley, Admiral, meets governor, 417
- Schomberg, Emily, 99
- School, recollections of author's first, 33
- School sentiment of boys on war questions, 80
- Schroeder, Lib., 33
- Schwab, Charles M., 367
- Schwenkfelder literature owned by author, 161–163
- Scotch–Irish ancestry of author, 17
- Scott, General Winfield, 92
- Scott, John, Jr., tells anecdote about M. S. Quay, 438
- Scripture verses, learned by author for reward as a boy, 40