Page:The autobiography of a Pennsylvanian.djvu/583

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  1. Sweeney, Colonel Frank G., 307
  2. Sword, John, a fellow law student, 109
  3. System of approving financial bills, 292
  4. Taft, Wm. H., conversation with governor, 469 et seq.; dines with University of Pennsylvania Alumni, 469
  5. Talbot, Bishop Ethelbert, on governor's Thanksgiving proclamation, 459
  6. Taney, Roger B., 80
  7. Taylor, Annie M., 69
  8. Taylor, Bayard, aided by author's father starts paper, Phœnixville Pioneer, 35; corresponded with author, 15; member of N. Y. Tribune staff writes to author's father, 53; playmate of author, 34
  9. Taylor, Col. Charles Frederick, 102
  10. Taylor, Enoch, 78
  11. Teaching experience of author, 76
  12. Temperance pledge, signed by author twenty times as a boy, 43
  13. Tener, Governor John K., 246
  14. Text of proposed act further restricting newspapers, 543
  15. Third Pennsylvania Reserves' monument at Antietam, 437
  16. Thompson, Jonah V., seeks governorship in vain, 262
  17. Thompson, Joseph Whitaker, 128
  18. Thompson, Mrs. Jonah V., entertains governor and Senator Penrose, 388
  19. Thompson, Samuel Gustine, 195
  20. Thompson, Samuel G., 195; appointed to Supreme Court, 323; suspected by newspapers of being a chairwarmer, 325
  21. Thomson, J. A., one of author's school teachers, 62
  22. Thomson, John. 239
  23. Tindle, James R., 384
  24. Todd, Henry, 184
  25. Todd, M. Hampton, 184, 416
  26. "Tom Thumb" visits author's father, 49
  27. Tory connections of first American Whitaker, 27
  28. Tower of London visited, 225
  29. Townsend, Joseph B., 133
  30. Trexler, Col. Henry C., 312
  31. Truitt, Robert, 57
  32. Truman, George, 184
  33. Trust companies request to do insurance business recommended for study, 534
  34. Trustee of University of Pennsylvania, 151
  35. "Truth Exalted" picked up cheaply, 165
  36. Tunnel Hill, how village grew, 44; location of a candy store, 41
  37. Twain, Mark, 148
  38. Twitchell, Geo. S., tried for murder, 122
  39. Tyson, Dr. James L., 55, 218
  40. Umstat, Eva, wife of Hendrick Pannebecker, 17
  41. Underground Railway station near Phœnixville, 80
  42. Union League of Philadelphia, its critics, 97; founders' day dinner, 324
  43. Union sympathies of Maryland Whitakers, 86
  44. University Day speaker, 349
  45. University of Pennsylvania, trustee of, 151; date of founding established, 152; graduation at Law School of, 114; funds secured, 151; presided over by author, 15; receives direct appropriation, 293
  46. Updegrove, Sarah, married to Joseph Whitaker the elder, 28
  47. Utrecht, place of martyrdom of members of family in 1568, 17
  48. Valley Forge Commission report, 529; map discovered in Amsterdam, 158; Park Commission activities, 254; Park first urged by author's father, 51
  49. Van Bebber, Matthias, employed Hendrick Pannebecker as attorney, 17
  50. Vanderslice, Kate, 89
  51. Vardaman, Governor, as an orator, 418
  52. Vaux, Richard, 97
  53. Verses commenting on governor's message to special session, 409; scribbled in license court, 258; written to entertain fellow voyagers, 214
  54. Veto policy of governor, 288
  55. Vicksburg battlefield memorial dedicated, 418
  56. Visit to Washington to seek West Point cadetship, 91
  57. Visitors at capitol dedication, 435
  58. Vivisection condemned, 237
  59. Volunteer fire companies of Philadelphia, 56
  60. Von Moschzisker, Robert, 310
  61. Von Ossing, Caspar Schwenkfeld, 163
  62. Voyage from Southampton, 251
  63. Wagner, George M., 144
  64. Wagner, General Louis, 493
  65. Wagner, Samuel, 108
  66. Wagon load of corn incident, 411
  67. Waite, Chief Justice Morrison R., 133
  68. Walker, Dr., 83
  69. Walking trip by author and cousin, 73
  70. Wallace, John William, president of Historical Society, 113, 156
  71. Walton, Charles M., 108
  72. Walton, Henry F., 344
  73. Wanger, I. P., entertains J. G. Cannon, 468
  74. War of 1812 loan to U. S. by Pennsylvania repaid, 421
  75. War of Rebellion, the proper name for the war, 15; boyhood associates in, 98
  76. Warren, B. H. ("Birdie"), characterized, 303
  77. Warwick Castle visited, 226
  78. Washington's letter dated from Pennypacker's Mills anecdote, 168