Page:The bibliography of Tennyson (1896).pdf/40

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Edward Moxon, 1851, green cloth, pp. 182.

In this edition the passages relating to the Prince's weird or cataleptic seizures were first added.


The Examiner newspaper of January and February, 1852 (at that time edited by John Forster), contains four original unpublished poems by Alfred Tennyson (one or two of them signed "Merlin"): viz,

1. "Britons, guard your own."

2. "Hands all Round."

3. "The Third of February, 1852."

4. "How much I love this writer's manly style."

After the final collapse of the Second French Empire, the poem entitled "The Third of February, 1852," was acknowledged and republished in the third volume of the Library Edition of Tennyson's Collected Works, issued in 1872; and, at a later period, the poem of "Hands all Round," remodelled and adapted to the