Page:The bibliography of Tennyson (1896).pdf/43

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This edition contains alterations in the stanzas "To the Queen," to which a new stanza is added, and the "Crystal Palace" stanza of 1851 is omitted. It also contains, for the first time, an important additional alteration in the early poem of "A Dream of Fair Women," more than twenty years after its original appearance. With one exception (mentioned infra) no further addition or alteration was made in any subsequent edition; so that the edition of 1853 may be accepted as the final text, in its first form, of the poems it includes.

The Princess: A Medley. By Alfred Tennyson. Fifth Edition, green cloth, pp. 183. London: Edward Moxon, 1853.

The passage quoted from "the gallant glorious chronicle," in the Prologue, is first added in this edition, which presents the final text of the poem, as it afterwards appeared. A set of the first five editions of "The Princess" is indispensable to a collector or student curious respecting the genesis and history of the poem.


The Charge of the Light Brigade.

The first version or draught of this famous and popular ballad appeared in the Examiner of December 9, 1854. It differs materially in text from all the later versions.