Page:The bibliography of Tennyson (1896).pdf/52

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Suppressed Poems of Tennyson, A pamphlet privately printed under the supervision of J. D, Campbell, 1862.

There is in the British Museum a curious legal document, "Tennyson v. Hotten" (1862), containing an order of the Court of Chancery for the suppression of an unauthorized reprint of poems by Tennyson. I never saw a copy of the book, and do not know its contents.


A Welcome. By Alfred Tennyson, Poet Laureate, four pages with full title, uniform in size with Moxon's editions of Tennyson's volumes. London: Edward Moxon and Co., 1863.

These lines were addressed to the Princess Alexandra of Denmark, on her arrival in England and her marriage with the Prince of Wales. The poem was reprinted, with considerable alterations and additions, in the "Enoch-Arden" volume (1864). This separate edition is now a great rarity, though it could be bought at the time of its publication for a few pence.

Experiments of Classic Metres in Quantity (Hexameters and Pentameters).