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his men, till they reached the land of Connanght. ‘Ah, well I know where Grania and Diarmid shall be sought,’ cried Fionn. And Ossian and Bearing heard him, and said to each other, ‘We must send Diarmid a warning, lest he should be taken. Look where Bran is, the hound of Fionn, and he shall take it, for he does not love Fionn better than he loves Diarmid, so, Oscar, tell him to go to Diarmid who is in Derry.’ And Oscar told that to Bran, and Bran understood, and stole round to the back part of the army where Fionn might not see him; then he bounded away to Derry and thrust his head into Diarmid’s bosom as he lay asleep.

At that Diarmid awoke and sprang up and woke Grania, and told her that Bran had come, which was a token that Fionn himself was coming. ‘Fly then,’ said Grania; but Diarmid would not fly. ‘He may take me now,’ said he, ‘seeing he must take me some time.’ At his words Grania shook with fear, and Bran departed.

All this while the friends of Diarmid took counsel together, and they dreaded lest Bran had not found them, and they resolved to give them another warning. So they bade the henchman Feargus to give three shouts, for every shout could be heard over three counties. And Diarmid heard them, and awoke Grania, and told her that it was a warning they had sent him of Fionn. ‘Then take that warning,’ said she. ‘I will not,’ answered Diarmid, ‘but will stay in this wood till Fionn comes.’ And Grania trembled when she heard him.

By-and-by the trackers came back to Fionn with news that they had seen Diarmid and Grania, and though Ossian and Diarmid’s friends tried to persuade Fionn that the men had been mistaken, Fionn was not to be deceived. ‘Well did I know the meaning of the three shouts of Feargus, and why you sent Bran, my own hound, away. But it shall profit him nothing, for Diarmid shall not leave Derry till he has paid me for every slight he has put upon me.’