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returned to the Knight and unbound him. The Knight thanked Beaumains heartily for his deliverance, and prayed him to come to his castle, where he would reward him. ‘Sir,’ said Beaumains, ‘I was this day made Knight by noble Sir Lancelot, and that is reward enough for anything I may do. Besides, I must follow this damsel.’ But when he came near her she reviled him as before, and bade him ride far from her. *Do you think I set store by what you have done? You will soon see a sight that will make you tell a very different tale.’ At this the Knight whom Beaumains had rescued rode up to the damsel, and begged that she would rest in his castle that night, as the sun was now setting. The damsel agreed, and the Knight ordered a great supper, and gave Sir Beaumains a seat above the seat of the damsel, who rose up in anger. ‘Fie! fie! Sir Knight,’ cried she, ‘you are uncourteous to set a mere kitchen page before me; he is not fit to be in the company of highborn people.’ Her words struck shame into the Knight^ and he took Beaumains and set him at a side table, and seated himself before him.

In the early morning Sir Beaumains and the damsel bade farewell to the Knight, and rode through the forest till they came to a great river, where stood two Knights on the further side, guarding the passage. ‘Well, what do you say now?’ asked the damsel. ‘Will you fight them or turn back?’ ‘I would not turn if there were six more of them,’ answered Sir Beaumains, and he rushed into the water and so did one of the Knights. They came together in the middle of the stream, and their spears broke in two with the force of the charge, and they drew their swords, hitting hard at each other. At length Sir Beaumains dealt the other Knight such a blow that he fell from his horse, and was drowned in the river. Then Beaumains put his horse at the bank, where the second Knight was waiting for him, and they fought long together, till Sir Beaumains clave his helmet in two.