Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/115

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ELCHO CASTLE 99 FOURTH PERIOD south-west tower. A peculiar angular machicolation occurs at the parapet of the latter immediately over the entrance doorway (see Figs. 564 and 565). This is formed by a stone, about 6 feet long, being laid angle-wise at the re-entering angle, so as to leave a triangular machico- lation or opening which commands the doorway. The stone, which is about 16 inches square, is notched, so as to suggest that it may have carried some kind of wooden screen to protect the defenders. This form of machicolation is quite a unique feature of the castle. The domestic arrangements of a dwelling-house are here very complete. On the ground floor (Fig. 56 1) are three vaulted apartments with a passage to FIG. 567. Elcho Castle. View from the East. mnect them. One of these is the kitchen, with its great fireplace which Ijoins the larder, and the others are cellars and stores. There is, as mal, a staircase from the hall to the cellars, one of which would be the wine-cellar. The principal staircase to the first floor leading to the hall (Fig. 562) is very wide and handsome, the steps being fully 7 feet long. The lord's private apartment (or retiring-room, as it is called on the Plan) is at the other end of the hall. Three newel staircases lead