Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/135

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GLAMIS CASTLE 119 FOURTH PERIOD was during the rebuilding of this wing that the specimens of Gothic work of the period, found in various parts of the buildings, were done. In Grose's two views of the castle the leaden statues of the kings set up by the eleventh Earl, and referred to by Defoe and Gray, are shown in front. These have been removed, and are now, along with other figures, lying out of sight, sadly mutilated. They are fine works of art, and are worthy of a better fate. FIG. 580. Glamis Castle. Sun-dial. The quaint dial, of which a sketch is given (Fig. 580), and which is mentioned in Earl Patrick's Book of Record, still stands on the lawn in front of the castle.