Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/139

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GLAMIS CASTLE 123 FOURTH PERIOD sterling with bed and board, half to be paid when required, provided three-fourths of the work is completed," and that De Witt resorted to several mean artifices, such as employing W. Reiinie, painter in Dundee, to do part of the work and charge it to the Earl, the result of this being that a protracted law-plea took place finally ended by a compromise. The total sum paid to De Witt for the chapel, dining-room, hall, bed- FIG. 584. Glamis Castle. View from the North-East (omitting the Courtyards and the Chapel wing). chamber, and two large portraits, was 105 sterling, instead of 130 claimed. Besides De Witt there were "two English woemen, Mistris Moreis and her sister, house painters, who have been a considerable time here;" also the Dutchman, Jan Van Santvoort, who was brought over for the carving at Holyrood, was employed by the Earl at Glamis in 1684. There was a payment to him of 394.