Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/145

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KELLIE CASTLE 129 FOURTH PERIOD This wall (Fig. 587) doubtless formed part of the walls of enceinte, which were so frequently turned to account at later periods, and made to form an integral part of the extended accommodation ; and it is quite probable that the west wall of the south tower, which rises in continua- FIG. 587. Kellie Castle. View of West End. tion of the above wall, is also erected on the enceinte. In connection with this, it appears to us not at all unlikely that the tower to the extreme east at the right-hand side of the plan is likewise on the walls of enceinte, and that the lower part is older than the date 1573, which, along with the initials M. H., occurs, as already mentioned, near the top. In support of this view it will be observed in Fig. 585 that the gable wall is thinned off at the height of the third story. At this level, on the north front, it begins to be embellished with turret and mouldings. It VOL. II. I