Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/176

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FOURTH PERIOD - 16'0 - FERNIEHERST CASTLE much to be regretted. Although this is but a small apartment, it has FIG. 618. Fernieherst Castle. Fireplace. been fitted up with the most fastidious taste and care. The brackets supporting the book-shelves have been beautifully moulded and carved, as shown by the sketch in the corner. The apartment measures only 7 feet 6 inches in diameter, but having been lighted by three win- dows, a little extra space was gained by these recesses in the thick walls. Besides the windows there are two shot-holes. The height from floor to ceiling is 10 feet, and the length of the central pendant is 20 inches. The south room, adjoining the library, is panelled in wood, and the room entering off this, and comprising the space of the two next cellars on plan, has been the principal hall, with the large fireplace shown in Fig. 618. This apartment is used as the modern kitchen. Several of the windows in this wing have fanciful architraves and caps to the outside, of which a specimen is shown (Fig. 6 19). The fine arched gateway (Figs. 6l6 and 621) adjoining the tower to the east FIG. 619. Fernieherst Castle. is a little later in date than the main