Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/181

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KNOCKHALL CASTLE 165 FOURTH PERIOD his favour of Lord Forrester (created 1633), whose daughter Baillie had married. It is now the property of Colonel Dundas of Carronhall. KNOCKHALL CASTLE, ABERDEENSHIRE. Knockhall Castle, in the parish of Foveran, is situated near the mouth of the river Ythan, here a small tidal creek winding its way through bare treeless sandhills. FIG. 625. Knockhall Castle. Plan and View. The castle is of the L shape (Fig. 625), with a projecting staircase tower on the north side. Right opposite this, in the re-entering angle of the wing, is the entrance doorway, between which and the staircase there is a passage of communication. Entering off the passage, on the left hand, is the kitchen, with its fireplace, sink, and drain. The other wing comprises one large apartment, also provided with a sink and drain (the partition dividing it at present being modern). Both apartments are