Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/217

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HOPETOUN TOWER 201 FOURTH PERIOD These features point to the date being late in the seventeenth century, but we have been unable to discover any written record of the history of this fragment. Mr. Fyfe, in his work Summer Life at South Fio. 661. Hopetoun Tower. View from the South- West. Queemferry, states that Hopetoun House was intended to have been erected on a site different from that it really occupies,, and " had actually been commenced elsewhere." In the absence of other information, it is just possible that this unfinished erection, notwithstanding the great difference in size and design between it and the existing Hopetoun House, may represent the first idea of that palatial residence.