Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/261

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HARTHILL CASTLE 245 FOURTH PERIOD large fireplace (containing a shot-hole), a service-window to the lobby, a trough for water-supply, and a stone sink and drain. It has also a small service stair to the hall, an innovation of the beginning of the GROUND PLAN FIG. 699. Harthill Castle. Plans. seventeenth century. The cellar has the usual stair to the hall, and a door to another domed cellar in the round tower. The principal stair- case is a combination of the scale stair and the newel stair, with steps FIG. 700. Harthill Castle. View from the South-East. 4 feet long, and so placed that it may be carried up to the upper floors without diminishing the size of the room in the wing. On the first floor