Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/279

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BLERVIE CASTLE 263 FOURTH PERIOD was acquired by the Dunbar family in 156?. The present building was erected by them, as the arms over the fireplace of the hall, with the initials K.D. show. FIG. 718. Burgle Castle. View from the South- West. The character of the work differs considerably from the ordinary style of the time. The parapet of the tower is elegant, and rather recalls the design of the previous period. The building shown to the right in Nattes 5 sketch is evidently a later addition. BLERVIE CASTLE, ELGINSHIRE. This castle is situated about four miles south from Forres, and not far from Burgie Castle, to which it bears some resemblance. The plan, like that of Burgie, seems to have been of the Z form, but, as at the latter, only one of the angle towers, with a fragment of the main block, remains. The main building contained the hall, while the tower