Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/285

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MONCUR CASTLE 269 FOURTH PERIOD MONCUR CASTLE, PERTHSHIRE. This small house is situated about one mile north from Castle-Huntly, in the Carse of Gowrie. It is oblong in plan, with a square projection or tower at the north-east corner, and a circular tower at the south- west corner. The building is three stories in height, and is now in a roofless, dismantled condition. The entrance doorway was in the re- entering angle of the square tower (Fig. 726). Opposite the door was GROUND FLOOR i^Z^'J FIRST FLOOR FIG. 726. Moncur Castle. Plans and View. the principal staircase, which terminated at the first-floor level. A small waiting- or guard-room adjoined the staircase. In the main building is the kitchen, with large fireplace and oven. Beyond it is an apartment, which seems to have had a space of about 4 feet 6 inches in width next the east wall cut out of it. From this apartment or cellar the usual private staircase leads to the level of the hall, and is continued to the upper floors. Adjoining it is the cellar in the circular tower. The whole of the ground floor has been vaulted, but only a portion of the vault remains in the wine-cellar, while it is complete in the round tower. The windows are low, with shot-holes beneath, those of the projecting towers flanking the four sides of the house. In order to accomplish this,