Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/289

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GRANTULLY CASTLE 273 FOURTH PERIOD angle, leads from the landing of the main staircase to the upper floor. The basement of the main block contains two cellars and a passage to the buildings to the north, now removed. One cellar has, as usual, a private stair from the hall. The whole basement is well defended with loopholes for muskets. The first floor is occupied with a hall, 34 feet by 19 feet. The castle seems to have been extended to the northwards, with a round tower at the north-west angle of the existing building, and may perhaps have formed a courtyard. But there is nothing left to enable one to form an opinion. Fig. 730 shows a view from the north-east. The castle now belongs to the Right Hon. Sir Moimtstuart E. Grant Duff. GRANTULLY CASTLE, PERTHSHIRE. Situated amidst beautiful scenery on the south bank of the Tay, about 2j miles from Aberfeldy, and surrounded with fine trees, this is a very FIG. 731. Grantully Castle. Plans. picturesque and striking example of an old Scottish mansion on which VOL. II.