Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/330

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FOURTH PERIOD 314 GIRNIGOE CASTLE finely carved and moulded corbels for carrying windows set diagonally on the angle. Some of the interior walls of Castle Sinclair were built with clay instead of mortar, as at Girnigoe, and are probably of the same period. Girnigoe was the stronghold of the Sinclairs, Earls of Caithness, the place from whence they sallied forth to scour the country far and near, and their sure refuge and retreat when retributive justice was on their track. For generations the name of the castle was one of terror all over the north of Scotland. The date of the erection of Giniigoe seems not to be known, but notices of it occur early in the sixteenth century, and the keep probably dates from the end of the fifteenth century. Castle Sinclair was erected about the year 1606, and the whole place remained inhabited till 1690. Since then the buildings have been allowed to fall into ruin and decay. CAWDOR CASTLE, NAIRNSHIRE. Notwithstanding the well-known antiquity of the Thanedom of Cawdor, the existing castle is of comparatively modern date. The edifice, however, still preserves much of the antique character appro- ENTRANCE COURTYARD wrnnr-v/wwm, FIG. 765. Cawdor Castle. Plan of Ground Floor. 1 priate to the seat of the ancient Thanedom. The grim central keep, with its massive walls, crowned with battlements and turrets towering 1 The plans of Cawdor Castle (Figs. 765, 766, 767, and 768) are taken from a set which were kindly placed at our disposal by the Earl of Cawdor.