Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/342

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FOURTH PERIOD 326 INVERUGIE CASTLE Peterhead. The top, shown in the view of the gateway (and of which an enlarged view is also given,, as if lying on the ground), is in reality used as an ornament in the garden of an adjoining cottage. It contains the date 1670, with the initials W. (for William), and C.A.M. (for Countess Anna Morton). Fia. 778. Inverugie Castle. View of Entrance Gateway and Towers. This gateway leads into a small courtyard, and beyond this an arched pend or passage, in continuation of the direction of the outer gateway, leads into the large courtyard. Running southwards from the outer gateway is a wall with a massive moulded cope (Fig. 778). The cope is