Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/350

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FOURTH PERIOD 334 BARNES CASTLE stance the place is locally known as the "Vaults." The height of the vaults is about 10 feet. The entrance gateway to the courtyard has been in the centre of the south-west wall. Facing this, in the main building, is the entrance doorway, flanked on either side by a square projecting staircase tower in the re-entering angle of a projecting wing. Inside the entrance doorway is an oblong apartment, evidently (as there is no vault here) meant for a grand staircase on the scale and platt tB Lltl HOUSE: emu BY SIR JOHN sr TON OF BAR NETS NEAR HADDlNGTON FIG. 784. Barnes Castle. Plan and View. U system. The foundation of the newel still exists as indicated 011 the plan. A passage running off on either hand leads to the various cellars and apartments. Of the two wings which project into the courtyard in front of the staircase towers just referred to, the one on the north- west side contained the kitchen, and the dotted line across the apart- ment shows the fireplace. Between this and the tower stair is a service opening and passage. On the opposite side of the entrance, in the