Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/356

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FOURTH PERIOD 340 EARL PATRICK S PALACE and originality in its treatment. Above the doorway are panels con- taining arms and inscriptions, all unfortunately obliterated by time. There is another entrance opposite the principal doorway, in a porch at the south side of the building, and down a few steps from the ground outside. FIG. 789. Earl Patrick's Palace. West Elevation. Adjoining the main entrance is a wide and handsome stone stair, which terminates at the first floor, the upper floor being reached by two turret staircases, as will be seen on the plan of the first floor (Fig. 793). From the entrance lobby two wide vaulted passages lead to the various apart- ments on the ground floor. The kitchen, which is in the south-west angle, is 18 feet by 15 feet 6 inches, with a commodious fireplace, 18 feet by 7 feet 6 inches. There are five other large storerooms or cellars on this floor, none of which have fireplaces. Entering from the south-east angle of the passage is the well, a circular building of polished stone. On the first floor (Fig. 793) is the grand hall, a noble apartment, 54 feet 6 inches long by about 20 feet wide, lighted by three splendid oriels and a triple window in the gable, divided and subdivided by mullions and transoms. There are two fireplaces ; the one in the west wall, as will be seen from the view in the hall (Fig. 794), being worthy of such a room. It is 18 feet wide, and has jambs somewhat after the style of the engaged columns at the entrance doorway, surmounted by half octagons, having the letters D. S. S. on the faces of the one, and S. E. P. on the other. The lintel is a fine specimen of the straight joggled arch. Beyond the hall, and entering through it, are two large private rooms, about 19 feet square, with a turret staircase leading to the upper floors. These rooms have oriels and angle turrets, the latter measuring about 7 feet inside. The room in the wing was probably the owner's bedroom, and the rooms above the family apartments, which were kept separate