Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/362

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FOURTH PERIOD 346 EARL PATRICK S PALACE a region. It bears witness to the magnificent taste of Earl Patrick Stewart, and also to the oppressive exactions with which he taxed the inhabitants in order to obtain the necessary funds. Fig. 796 gives some details of the large angle turrets and oriel windows, showing that the FIG. 795. Earl Patrick's Palace. Oratory or Landing. style is entirely Scottish in all its features, but that it is here treated in a free and somewhat novel manner. Thus, oriel windows, which are rare features in Scottish architecture, are copiously introduced, and play a leading part in the design. The oriels and turrets are all very boldly pro- jected, and are carried on a series of corbels similar to those generally