Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/403

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ROWALLAN CASTLE .'387 FOURTH PERIOD Robert 11., must have been a residence from a much earlier period than that of any of the existing buildings. We learn from the Historic (page 35) that Gilchrist Moir, for the reward of his services to King Alexander at the battle of Largs in 1263, obtained the "heretrix" of Rowallan, " and bair in his airmes ye bludy heid, ... he biggit ye auld tour of Rowallance, and put his armes yair." Fro. 833. Rowallan Castle. View of Doorway to North Wing. This ruined building possibly shows the site and remains of this " auld tour/' and if so, it has apparently been a keep measuring about 35 feet 6 inches by 28 feet. Unless this supposition is correct, nothing of the period of Elizabeth Muir exists at Rowallan. So little of this building remains to judge from that it may be doubted