Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/433

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ARGYLL'S LODGING - 417 FOURTH PERIOD middle of the fifteenth century), the Leslies of Ballinbreich played a not unimportant part in the history of Scotland. In 1680 Charles n. created the seventh Earl Duke of Rothes and Marquis of Ballinbreich, both titles dying with him. ARGYLL'S LODGING, STIRLING. This is probably the finest specimen of an old town residence remaining in Scotland. It is situated on the Castle Hill of Stirling, within a few hundred yards of the fortress. The building forms three sides of a square (Fig. 857) round an irregular courtyard, measuring about 55 feet across in both directions, and enclosed with a lofty wall on the west FIG. 857. Argyll's Lodging. Plan of Ground Floor. side, towards the street. We have still many specimens left of this arrangement for a town mansion. It was a favourite one with our ancestors down till last century, either for a single house, or for several houses occupied by different families ; but we have nothing on the same scale and so complete as this. The mansion is now used as a military hospital, and it is fortunate that a purpose has been found for the building, involving no sacrifice of any of its architectural features, and affording a fair guarantee that these will be preserved from falling into ruin and neglect. The entrance to the courtyard is by an arched gate- way (Fig. 858) through the enclosing wall, inside of which the visitor finds himself on a terrace some two or three feet above the level of the VOL. II. 2 D