Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/463

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DRUMLANRIG CASTLE 447 FOURTH PERIOD of lofty lime-trees forming a vista most appropriately closed by the imposing fa9ade of the castle crowned with its towers and turrets.


BEDROOM I BEDROOM FIG. 882. Druinlanrig Castle. Plan of First Floor. On nearer approach the castle is found to embrace an outer court- yard with offices on either hand and the main building in front. This consists of a great square or parallelogram, 1 46 feet by 120 feet (Fig. 882), built round the four sides of a courtyard measuring 57 feet from north to south and 77 feet from east to west. The basement floor, which is vaulted, contains the kitchen and other offices and cellars. Towards the north or entrance front it has a vaulted arcade (Fig. 883), which supports a terrace or platform on the level of the principal floor. The arcade is