Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/471

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CAROLINE PARK 455 FOURTH PERIOI> curarunt Georgius et Anna Vicecomites a Tarbat anno aerae Christianae 1685. Nostra tarn hospes nam hospitium est nunc nostrum tune alterius postea vero nee scio nee euro cujus nam nihili certa domus," which may be translated thus : Riches accumulated are valueless, but spent are useful. With lands come cares. For our own and our friends' comfort, George and Anna, Viscount and Viscountess of Tarbat, have caused this FIG. 888. Caroline Park. Gateway at Entrance to the Grounds. cottage to be built in the year of the Christian era 1685. The guest is our care, for the house of entertainment is now ours, then another's, and afterwards I neither know nor care whose, for there is no certain dwelling-place.